Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Blog Community for Special Needs!

I know...I have neglected this blog something HORRIBLE!!!  Life has been crazy.  We moved to MA.  My kids are starting school.  My Children's one of a kind Boutique on Etsy is over running with orders I need to fill.  Now that my kids are back in school (They have been home since MAY!!!), I will have more time to devote to this, and other things.  Now that I am not seeing a counselor...THIS will be my outlet.  :)  Healthy right?
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I recently started using Heard of it?  It is a great site where you can join community of bloggers of tons of different things.  I started a community on there called Hope Floats.  It is a community of Moms with special needs kids.  A safe place for us to share, vent, talk, get support, and make friends.  My daughter, having Spina Bifida, has inspired me to start this community.  If you blog and have a child with a special need...ANY kind please check us out. We would love for you to join!  You can go here: or you can click on the frogblog button on the right side of my blog and it will take you there. 

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